Lets face it, it happens to all of us and none of us like it. A yeast infection is the name for a common infection caused by an overgrowth of yeast in the body. It usually occurs in the moist warm areas of your body, making the vagina an ideal setting. Yeast infections are most […]
Natural Healing From Anemia
Are you iron deficient? As a mom of 5 there have been plenty of times that I have been diagnosed with anemia. The same thing happens every time, I go for a check up to the doctor, he orders blood tests, tells me I am anemic and to go and buy an iron supplement from […]
Herbal Teas for Pregnancy
Bringing a baby into the world is the most satisfying, beautiful experiences that a woman may have. The inability to conceive is a heartache that can last a lifetime. There are countless medical procedures, fertility drugs, and forms of medicine that can be taken to increase the chances of fertility, but remember pregnancy is a […]
Natural Healing From Infertility
Valentines Day is more than just a celebration of Love, it’s also a celebration of Life! I was just reading the most delightful story about a girl who had undergone every medical procedure including receiving over 1,000 injections, and having all her white blood cells replaced. Surprisingly enough, it wasn’t the drugs, the medical procedure or any […]
Effective Natural Healing Option For Treating Fibroids
A fibroid cyst is usually a non-cancerous growth. They are most often found in the smooth muscle cells of the uterus in women. Searching for an effective natural healing option for treating fibroids, is a practical alternative to having to get the cysts cut off through invasive surgery. What Exactly is a Uterine Fibroid? Uterine […]
Top 10 Natural Healing Solutions Using Peppermint [VIDEO]
I love Peppermint! Peppermint is one of the most versatile, easy to use and easy to grow herbs known to man. It has been used forever with a wide range of benefits. I know I’ll probably miss some benefits you know of, but In this article I will highlight my top 10 natural healing solutions […]
Natural Healing Solutions With Peppermint
Peppermint is considered the worlds first medicine. It’s been around forever and has incredible healing properties. Using peppermint essential oils can help with digestion, muscle pain reliever, and energizer. Wendy Braun, with the Saturday Evening Post, shows some really interesting uses for peppermint as well as describing why it actually work: Natural Healing Solutions […]
Natural Homepathics Helped Penny Lancaster Get Pregnant
After a few unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant, Penny Lancaster and Rod Stewart decided to look to some natural healing therapy to try again. Amazingly they found that after conventional methods couldn’t explain the cause of problems, natural homeopathics helped Penny Lancaster Get pregnant by finding some important clues overlooked elsewhere. Check out this story […]
Chinese Healing Helpful for Getting Pregnant
TCM Helpful for Getting Pregnant It’s one thing to hear a TCM practitioner claim that Chinese healing techniques have been proven helpful for getting pregnant, but another thing altogether when it’s a published scientific study. The study I came across, more clearly says that using TCM treatments along with Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) was more effective […]