Natural Healing Properties of Honey

I have had my own bees for about 3 years. There is nothing as beautiful as the day we don our white suits, netted hats, and long gloves and tromp with the kids in tow to harvest that summer’s honey. It always seems miraculous that those bees can take a field of wildflowers and turn […]

Natural Healing From Bladder Infections

Ouch! I remember being in 8th grade and having to leave school right in the middle of my dance class because of the incredible cramping and pain from a bladder infection. My mom took me to the doctors where I was prescribed, lots of water and some antibiotics. The bladder infection did go away, but […]

Getting Rid of a Yeast Infection Naturally

Lets face it, it happens to all of us and none of us like it. A yeast infection is the name for a common infection caused by an overgrowth of yeast in the body. It usually occurs in the moist warm areas of your body, making the vagina an ideal setting. Yeast infections are most […]

Natural Healing From Infertility

Valentines Day is more than just a celebration of Love, it’s also a celebration of Life! I was just reading the most delightful story about a girl who had undergone every medical procedure including receiving over 1,000 injections, and having all her white blood cells replaced. Surprisingly enough, it wasn’t the drugs, the medical procedure or any […]

Natural Healing of Wounds Using Honey

Honey has been known for it’s health benefits for thousands of years, it is also a known antibiotic.  The natural healing of wounds using honey was largely uninvestigated, however, a new type of honey has just been discovered- Manuka Honey which has been studied and is receiving great marks for it’s ability to heal wounds. […]

Natural Healing of Skin Allergies [VIDEO]

Wow! I know a million people who could use the natural healing of skin allergies. I just watched the best short movie which describes why we have skin allergies and how to heal them naturally. This post is gonna be short because Dr. Joyce, the naturopath in the video does the talking and she’s much […]

Natural Healing Solutions With Peppermint

Peppermint is considered the worlds first medicine. It’s been around forever and has incredible healing properties.  Using peppermint essential oils can help with digestion, muscle pain reliever, and energizer. Wendy Braun, with the Saturday Evening Post,  shows some really interesting uses for peppermint as well as describing why it actually work:   Natural Healing Solutions […]