Natural Healing Properties of Honey

I have had my own bees for about 3 years. There is nothing as beautiful as the day we don our white suits, netted hats, and long gloves and tromp with the kids in tow to harvest that summer’s honey. It always seems miraculous that those bees can take a field of wildflowers and turn […]

Natural Healing From a Sunburn

I just took my kids to the most beautiful national park where we spent the day playing and splashing in the mountains and in the sun. Of course I made them all wear hats and plenty of clothes, but at the end of the day they still had a few too many rays of sunshine […]

Best Remedy for Croup

My sisters babies had the croup last week. It’s terrible to hear the wheezing and gasping for air that little ones deal with when they’ve got the croup. Symptoms of croup are caused by the airways being swollen and narrowed. You will be able to recognize the croup by the barking cough, raspy voice and […]

Walnuts Heal the Body [VIDEO]

Recent study done by Penn State researchers found that Walnuts Heal the Human Body  and aid it’s ability to deal with stress. If you add this the the study in 2006 done by the University of Barcelona’s Hospital, in Spain which found that adding a handful of raw walnuts to meals high in saturated fat […]

Natural Healing From Anemia

Are you iron deficient? As a mom of 5 there have been plenty of times that I have been diagnosed with anemia. The same thing happens every time, I go for a check up to the doctor, he orders blood tests, tells me I am anemic and to go and buy an iron supplement from […]

6 Natural Healing Techniques for Dry Skin

The cold windy weather is the ultimate enemy to keeping our skin healthy and hydrated.  The dry air outside, the low humidity and radiant heat inside makes that water in our skin evaporate. It makes it more prone to chapping, chafing and irritation. If you are having a problem with this as well, try our […]

Best Natural Ways to Get Calcium

So if you are an American than you are sure to know that drinking milk is the best natural way to get calcium. It’s been driven into your brain by countless commercials from the Dairy companies. But if getting our calcium from milk is really so effective, than why do American’s who consume such a […]

Most Important Words for Healing Relationships [Video]

This morning my mom called to wish me Happy Thanksgiving and it made me feel happy to think that she would think of me. It also reminded me that I have been waiting for the perfect day to share with you this amazing video that introduces the most important words for healing relationships – I […]

Herbal Teas for Pregnancy

Bringing a baby into the world is the most satisfying, beautiful experiences that a woman may have. The inability to conceive is a heartache that can last a lifetime. There are countless medical procedures, fertility drugs, and forms of medicine that can be taken to increase the chances of fertility, but remember pregnancy is a […]

Natural Healing From Technology [VIDEO]

So I just came across this video by a guy who was fed up with living in a world where everyone was connected digitally. He wanted natural healing from technology and took drastic measures to get it! For 90 day Jake gave up his facebook, twitter, cell phone, computer and everything digital. He says ” […]