Natural Healing Properties of Honey

I have had my own bees for about 3 years. There is nothing as beautiful as the day we don our white suits, netted hats, and long gloves and tromp with the kids in tow to harvest that summer’s honey. It always seems miraculous that those bees can take a field of wildflowers and turn […]

100 Natural Cures for Cancer

According to Dr. Atkin, founder of the Atkin’s diet there is not one but many natural cures to cancer. In fact, he believes that there has been over 100 natural cures for cancer discovered and being used since 1920. Independent research now points to another potential natural cancer cure which can be added to that […]

Natural Healing From Anemia

Are you iron deficient? As a mom of 5 there have been plenty of times that I have been diagnosed with anemia. The same thing happens every time, I go for a check up to the doctor, he orders blood tests, tells me I am anemic and to go and buy an iron supplement from […]

Natural Healing Herbs for Fatigue

In a world where it’s go-go-go from first thing in the morning until last thing at night it’s no wonder that a whole bunch of us suffer from fatigue. I was recently searching for natural healing herbs for fatigue and came across a few that I have not yet tried.  I am excited to try […]

Breastfed Babies Naturally Heal Faster and Are Brighter

I breastfed all my babies, which I am sure is the only reason they are so healthy, bright and beautiful! Seriously, though a new study has just come out which finds that breastfed babies naturally heal faster and are brighter. The health benefits of breastfeeding babies has been around for ages, although, more and more […]

How to Treat Insomnia Naturally

For those of you who suffer from sleep disturbance (like I often do) I thought you’d like to know of some natural healing minerals and the article telling how to treat insomnia naturally. I have often used melatonin to help me get to sleep, but didn’t realize that my problem might have been helped by […]