I have had my own bees for about 3 years. There is nothing as beautiful as the day we don our white suits, netted hats, and long gloves and tromp with the kids in tow to harvest that summer’s honey. It always seems miraculous that those bees can take a field of wildflowers and turn […]
Natural Healing From a Sunburn
I just took my kids to the most beautiful national park where we spent the day playing and splashing in the mountains and in the sun. Of course I made them all wear hats and plenty of clothes, but at the end of the day they still had a few too many rays of sunshine […]
Best Natural Ways to Get Calcium
So if you are an American than you are sure to know that drinking milk is the best natural way to get calcium. It’s been driven into your brain by countless commercials from the Dairy companies. But if getting our calcium from milk is really so effective, than why do American’s who consume such a […]
How to Treat Insomnia Naturally
For those of you who suffer from sleep disturbance (like I often do) I thought you’d like to know of some natural healing minerals and the article telling how to treat insomnia naturally. I have often used melatonin to help me get to sleep, but didn’t realize that my problem might have been helped by […]
Natural Healing Aloe Vera Shampoo and Conditioner Recipes
After my post on natural healing solutions for hair using aloe vera, I decided to dig a little deeper and find these natural healing Aloe Vera shampoo and conditioner recipes. There are tons of different recipes out there, but this is a great place to start. Though these recipes doesn’t say so, I’d also recommend adding […]
Natural Healing Solutions for Hair Using Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera would be considered more of a plant than an herb, however there are natural healing solutions for hair using aloe vera. I personally have used aloe vera for burns, and I’ve bought shampoos that claimed health benefits by the presence of Aloe Vera (but honestly, how much aloe vera do you think they […]
Top 10 Natural Healing Solutions Using Peppermint [VIDEO]
I love Peppermint! Peppermint is one of the most versatile, easy to use and easy to grow herbs known to man. It has been used forever with a wide range of benefits. I know I’ll probably miss some benefits you know of, but In this article I will highlight my top 10 natural healing solutions […]
Natural Healing Solutions With Peppermint
Peppermint is considered the worlds first medicine. It’s been around forever and has incredible healing properties. Using peppermint essential oils can help with digestion, muscle pain reliever, and energizer. Wendy Braun, with the Saturday Evening Post, shows some really interesting uses for peppermint as well as describing why it actually work: Natural Healing Solutions […]