Okay, you know as well as I do that there’s sore throats and then there’s SORE THROATS. (Yes, I’m yelling!) So if you have a nice little sore throat a cup of hot water or a good gargle can cure you, but if you have a SORE THROAT than Healing a Nasty Sore Throat can […]
Fighting the Flu Naturally
It’s my fault that we’ve had the flu bad this season and I know exactly why. I had so many winters where we didn’t get the flu that I got lazy and stopped doing all those things that keep us from getting it, so now here I am stuck Fighting the Flu Naturally again. First […]
Natural Healing Properties of Honey
I have had my own bees for about 3 years. There is nothing as beautiful as the day we don our white suits, netted hats, and long gloves and tromp with the kids in tow to harvest that summer’s honey. It always seems miraculous that those bees can take a field of wildflowers and turn […]
Natural Healing From Lymes Disease
Alright, so I’ve had a bunch of weird symptoms that no doctors ever seem able to figure out. I just went to a naturopath yesterday and he seemed positive that my symptoms were an indication of Lymes Disease. The good news is that he also is confident that Natural Healing From Lymes Disease is perfectly […]
Natural Healing From a Sunburn
I just took my kids to the most beautiful national park where we spent the day playing and splashing in the mountains and in the sun. Of course I made them all wear hats and plenty of clothes, but at the end of the day they still had a few too many rays of sunshine […]
Top 10 Natural Remedies to Deal With Allergies [VIDEO]
From Spring’s Hay Fever to Summer’s Smog- allergies can hit the best of us during every season. When the beautiful Easter Lily that was perched on my counter opened up yesterday I was hit with a major allergy attack that had me thinking about the subject. Although the very best thing to do when […]
Natural Healing From Bladder Infections
Ouch! I remember being in 8th grade and having to leave school right in the middle of my dance class because of the incredible cramping and pain from a bladder infection. My mom took me to the doctors where I was prescribed, lots of water and some antibiotics. The bladder infection did go away, but […]
Natural Healing From Arthritis
Arthritis is a name which describes over 100 different types of joint pain. The average American will suffer from Arthritis at some point in their life. There are a plethora of drugs available to help with the pain of arthritis, but if you aren’t into taking drugs to mask the pain and would rather try […]
Natural Healing From a Toothache
Natural Healing From a toothache can mean an extra 1000 in your pocket instead of the dentists! I have had toothaches so bad that I wanted to rip my tooth out (don’t worry, I didn’t!). When we talk about toothaches we are talking about the pain around the teeth or jaws which are primarily a […]
Getting Rid of a Yeast Infection Naturally
Lets face it, it happens to all of us and none of us like it. A yeast infection is the name for a common infection caused by an overgrowth of yeast in the body. It usually occurs in the moist warm areas of your body, making the vagina an ideal setting. Yeast infections are most […]