Natural Healing Power of Tangerines to Fight Obesity and Heart Disease

you’ve heard that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but have you ever heard of the natural healing power of tangerines to fight obesity and heart disease?  I hadn’t either until i read this article from healthypages. i usually buy oranges, but maybe I need to reach for their cousin the tangerine!

Natural Healing Power of Tangerines to Fight Obesity and Heart Disease

natural healing power of tangerines to fight obesity and heart disease

you should find out about the natural healing power of tangerines to fight obesity and heart disease

A substance present in tangerines appears to be effective against heart disease and obesity. The researchers that discovered this substance are vascular biology scientists from the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Murray Huff and Erin Mulvihill, based in the University of Western Ontario. They found that extra protection from diabetes type 2 and atherosclerosis was also accorded.

The substance is Nobelitin which is a type of flavonoid. In studies it became clear that Nobiletin was preventing the liver from building up fat by “stimulating the expression of genes involved in burning excess fat, and inhibiting the genes responsible for manufacturing fat.”

Director of the Vascular Biology Research Group at Robarts, Huff said: says “What’s really interesting to us is that Nobiletin is ten times more potent in its protective effects compared to Naringenin, and this time, we’ve also shown that Nobiletin has the ability to protect against atherosclerosis,” adding that “This study really paves the way for future studies to see if this is a suitable treatment for metabolic syndrome and related conditions in people.”

My only problem with this is that when scientists find out the natural healing power of tangerines to fight obesity and heart disease they’ll try to isolate the Nobelitin and turn it into a pill. I believe that elements of natural healing foods like this don’t work in a vacuum, but as a whole package deal. That’s the way God made them and that’s why they work. I just don’t think they would work as well in a synthesized form.

What do you think? Are you itching now to get a pill, or are you going to pick up a few tangerines on your next trip to get groceries.

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