Natural Healing With Acupuncture Reduces Surgery Pain [VIDEO]

I love finding studies that give verification for natural healing ! Take this recent study by Duke University which found that natural healing with acupuncture reduces surgery pain as a case in point. Of course there are some details of the study that you need to be aware of when putting this into practice (like convincing your surgeon that it’s a good idea.)

Natural Healing With Acupuncture Reduces Surgery Pain

natural healing with acupuncture reduces surgery pain

New Study finds: Natural Healing with acupuncture reduces surgery pain

Using acupuncture before and during surgery significantly reduces the level of pain and the amount of potent painkillers needed by patients after the surgery is over, according to Duke University Medical Center anesthesiologists who combined data from 15 small randomized acupuncture clinical trials.

“While the amount of opioids needed for patients who received acupuncture was much lower than those who did not have acupuncture, the most important outcome for the patient is the reduction of the side effects associated with opioids,” said Tong Joo (T.J.) Gan, MD, a Duke anesthesiologist who presented the results of the analysis at the annual scientific conference of the American Society for Anesthesiology in San Francisco. “These side effects can negatively impact a patient’s recovery from surgery and lengthen the time spent in the hospital.”

Based on the results of this analysis, Gan recommends that acupuncture should be considered a viable option for pain control in surgery patients.


The results of this study add to the growing body of evidence that acupuncture can play an effective role in improving the quality of the surgical experience, Gan added. Numerous studies, some conducted by Gan, have demonstrated that acupuncture can also be more effective than current medications in lessening the occurrence of post operative nausea and vomiting, the most common side effect experienced by patients after surgery.

Original Article Here


I only wish they gave more info on the specifics of the acupuncture treatments. This is all they told us in the article:

Different bodily locations or organs have their own distinct acupuncture points that are the targets for the acupuncturist. For example, a point just below the wrist is the common target for women undergoing breast procedures to prevent nausea and vomiting, another point at the back of the hand is effective in reducing pain.


Here’s a video about acupuncture and it’s effectiveness for headaches specifically. This was found in studies by the same researcher at Duke University:


To tell you the truth, the only time I’ve ever been to do the doctor for a surgery was when I was 18 months old and had to have my adenoids and tonsils removed. Should the time come that I need to go under the knife you better believe I’ll be meeting with the surgeon in advance to let him/her know that natural healing with acupuncture reduces surgery pain (not to mention those nasty other after effects!). I’ll also be booking an appointment with the acupuncturist.

Do you have any other cool tips that are good for healing after surgery? Share them below!



  1. […] The study: accupuncture, a natural healing solution for chemo pain is great news for chemo patients, allowing them greater comfort during and after chemo sessions. Certainly a larger scale study could be done to confirm positive results, however, even the initial study showed such positive results that using acupuncture during chemo treatments seems a natural choice for healing.  I have written another article on acupuncture for pain relief here. […]

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